Returns Policy

We want you to be 100% happy with your item but if you find that item is defective in any way please contact us immediately. We are happy to repair or refund in full upon receipt of the defective item within 14 days. Evidence of return postage cost is required for reimbursement.

If you should decide that the item is not for you, we are also happy to accept return of your item within 14 days of dispatch. When the item is received in the same condition that it was dispatched, a refund will be issued excluding post and packaging.

Shipping Policy

We are a UK based company and so therefore can offer a flat rate of £3.95 per order on all UK postage. Items will be dispatched within 2 days and will arrive within 3-5 days.

Our international shipping will be worked out at the checkout by world zone and combined basket weight. Items will be dispatched within 2 days and will arrive within 3-5 days (Europe) and 5-7 days (worldwide). We do not include international tax, duties, or customs in our postage price. This is the sole responsibility of the purchaser. We reserve the right not to deliver to certain countries if problems are anticipated. If this is the case, a full refund will be issued.

Privacy Policy

Wild Daisy will only store your contact details at your request via our contact box. We will not share this information with anyone and will not use it ourselves other than to respond to your message.